Orem Wants You To Be A Tattletale

Orem Wants You To Be A Tattletale 

Orem Police - Gephardt Daily

Image provided by Facebook

The Orem Police Department has taken a whole new approach to catching suspects. They call it ‘Tattletale Tuesday.’ The O.P.D looks to Facebook and the help of Orem locals to catch suspects.

“The idea came with my wife who Facebooks and she does the Throw Back Thursdays and everything,” said Orem Police Lt. Craig Martinez. “One day I was thinking at work and thought why not do that to identify suspects. It was a Tuesday, so I thought of Tattletale Tuesday. ”

The department posts videos or photos of suspects every Tuesday that have been seen committing a crime. Asking locals for help, the department uses #TattletaleTuesday of Twitter and always asks to “please share” on Facebook posts.

The Orem Police Department has been using Facebook to identify suspects for about two months and has seen great success with about 90 percent of the suspects being identified.

“It has been very helpful, I think there are only one or two that have not been identified,” he said.

The most recent Tattletale Tuesday, there was a post asking for help to identify an individual that had stolen a wallet that was lost in the Macy’s parking lot. Five hours later the suspect was identified and this post was on Facebook.

Tattletale Tuesday - Gephardt Daily

To see more posts like ‘Tattletale Tuesday’ visit the Orem Police Department Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/OremDPS, Twitter site at https://twitter.com/oremdps, or the department’s web page at http://www.orem.org.



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