Gun-toting brides, cheating with KFC, the weirdest ‘pet back to life’ story EVER! – ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’ — Aug. 2, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Aug. 2, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — Yeah, today’s “Morning Stream” opening was super smooth as the cameras gleefully cover the fact that we seem unaware we’re actually … you know … doing a show.

What IS it this week with brides and guns? We’ve got three different stories that will have you looking for that bulletproof vest.

We visit the cool new Sandy skateboard park that’s ruled … by 40-something guys. Todd reveals his secret affair to Erin — with the KFC all-you-can-eat buffet.

And the weirdest story of the week! This poor family pays to have their gravely ill pet euthanized — only to find a picture of her online at a shelter 6 months later.

We’ll explain it all. Come by and sit a spell. We’re family!


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