Sizing Up The New Generation Of Video Game Consoles

X Box One Bundle

One year after launch, the latest generation of video game consoles remain at the top of consumers’ wish lists.

Dedicated video game fans waited outside stores when Microsoft and Sony launched the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, respectively, in November 2013.

Now, expect mainstream consumers to make the leap. “Last year, you couldn’t get one,” says Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter. “This year, the masses buy them as gifts.”

Consumers seem eager to pick up a video game console. During the first 13 months of availability, combined sales of the PS4 and Xbox One were 80% higher than predecessors PS3 and Xbox 360, says research firm NPD Group.

A broader selection of console bundles packaging a device with one or more games combined with Microsoft’s move to lower the price of the Xbox One to $349 for the holiday season will make consoles more favorable.

“There’s been some shifts in strategy and aggressive pricing that’s happened that are going to make game consoles appear as attractive as they’ve ever been,” says Gartner analyst Brian Blau.

PlayStation 4 continues to hold an edge with 13.5 million consoles shipped to retailers worldwide compared to 10 million for Xbox One. Neither company has detailed how many of those shipped consoles went to consumers. Meanwhile, Nintendo’s Wii U, available since 2012, sold 7.29 million as of Sept. 30.

Still struggling to decide which video game console to scoop up? Here’s a quick look at how all three devices compare.


Price: $399

Key features: The recently introduced Share Play lets players share their screen with an online friend, or even virtually pass over the controller. Remote Play — which requires a PlayStation Vita — gives players the option to stream PS4 titles to that handheld. A Share button allows users to quickly snap screenshots, record video or stream their game play to services like Twitch.

Why PS4 is the best option: The PS4 has the best controller in the game, hands down, thanks to size and comfort. The Share button makes it a lot easier to post photos and videos compared to its rivals. While there are few new exclusive experiences available this holiday, there is plenty to look forward to in the future, including the next Uncharted and action title Bloodborne next year.


Price: $349 (through Jan. 3)

Key features: Owners can also share snippets of game play through the Upload Studio, or stream their exploits to a variety of services. When including the motion sensor Kinect, you can manipulate the Xbox with physical gestures or voice commands. Users can also connect the console to a cable box and control their TV programming.


[/one_fourth][three_fourth_last]Why Xbox One is the best option: As far as an overall entertainment package, Xbox One is very inviting. The console boasts a more robust selection of apps, including NFL, ESPN, HBO Go and Showtime. Microsoft also introduced several tempting first-party exclusives this year, including first-person shooter Titanfall and action game Sunset Overdrive.


Price: $299

Key features: The star of the Wii U is the Gamepad, a tablet-style controller that combines the bells and whistles of a traditional video game controller with a 6.2-inch touchscreen. It’s backwards compatible, meaning players can enjoy older Wii games on the new device. Nintendo’s new console also marks the long-awaited arrival of HD for both video and games.

Why Wii U is the best option: Between hits like Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros. and Super Mario 3D World, Wii U boasts arguably the best selection of first-party titles, especially for those consumers seeking something more family friendly. Plus, it’s the least expensive of the three.


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