Cuomo on Escaped Inmates: Plan was to Kill Prison Worker’s Husband

NY Prison Escapees
Cuomo on Escaped Inmates: Plan was to Kill Prison Worker’s Husband

Cuomo on Escaped Inmates: Plan was to Kill Prison Worker’s Husband

In this composite handout from New York State Police, convicted murderers David Sweat, left, and Richard Matt are shown. Sweat, who was captured Sunday, told investigators he and Matt planned to kill a prison worker’s husband, then drive to Mexico. Photo courtesy of New York State Police/UPI

ALBANY, N.Y., June 29 (UPI) — Two men who escaped earlier this month from an upstate New York prison originally intended to kill a prison worker’s husband and drive with her to Mexico before she backed out of the plan, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday.

Cuomo told WCNY radio in Albany, N.Y., that David Sweat — the inmate who was captured alive Sunday in Constable, N.Y. — told investigators of his and Richard Matt’s plan.

Matt was killed Friday after being confronted by police in Malone, N.Y., and Sweat was shot twice by police and hospitalized.

Prison worker Joyce Mitchell, 51, was arrested for allegedly helping the two men plot their escape by providing them with tools. She is suspected of having a sexual relationship with at least one of the men.

“They would kill Mitchell’s husband and then get in the car and drive to Mexico, on the theory that Mitchell was in love with one or both of them,” Cuomo said of the plan.

But Mitchell did not show up, and so Matt, 48, and Sweat, 35, went with a backup plan, which was to head north to Canada. Both men were stopped within 10 miles of the Canadian border.

Meanwhile, Cuomo said, Sweat told investigators he split from Matt about five days before his capture because the older man was slowing him down.

Investigators told The Buffalo News that Matt was ill and drunk when they found him Friday. He was sickened probably by eating spoiled food or drinking bad water.

Officials said it looked like Matt had spent a good deal of time outdoors and had not bathed recently. A strong odor of alcohol also emanated from him.

When Sweat was arrested Sunday, police found a bag containing “a number of supplies,” Cuomo told CNN. He had maps, tools, insect repellent and Pop-Tarts. Investigators said the two men had been breaking into hunting cabins in rural areas along their path to the Canadian border.

Sweat was taken to a hospital in Malone on Sunday, though he was later transferred to Albany Medical Center. The hospital said his condition has been upgraded from critical to serious.

“David Sweat underwent diagnostic evaluations at Albany Medical Center Sunday night to further define the extent of his injuries,” the hospital said in a statement. “Following examination, it was determined by our trauma team that he did not require any surgeries at that time.

“David Sweat will remain at Albany Medical Center for at least a few days while his condition stabilizes and updates on his condition will be provided as appropriate. The New York State Police, working in coordination with the Albany Police, the Department of Corrections and the Albany Medical Center security staff are taking all appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of our patients and their families, our employees, and the public.”

Matt and Sweat escaped June 6 from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, N.Y., using tools to cut their way through walls and pipes. Both were serving life sentences for murder convictions.

Mitchell pleaded not guilty to charges of promoting prison contraband, a felony, and criminal facilitation, a misdemeanor.

A second prison worker, guard Gene Palmer, faces charges of first-degree promoting prison contraband, two counts of tampering with evidence and official misconduct.

Mitchell is accused of hiding tools in frozen hamburger meat, which Palmer then gave to the men. Palmer says he had no knowledge the meat contained contraband.

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