Parents: McDonald’s Minions Toy Utters Profane Phrase

McDonald's Minions Toy Utters Profane Phrase


Parents: McDonald’s Minions Toy Utters Profane Phrase



BIRMINGHAM, Ala., July 9 (UPI) — Some shocked McDonald’s customers who bought Happy Meals for their kids said one of the Minions movie tie-in toys appears to utter a profane phrase.

Paul Butts, a Birmingham, Ala., man who bought one of the meals for his daughter,posted a video to YouTube showing the talking Caveman Minion toy that came in the meal uttering its phrases, including one he believes to sound like the profane phrase, “What the [expletive]?”

A Vine video uploaded by website Gizmodo appears to back up Butts’ account, showing another Caveman Minion uttering the same phrase.

Taylor King of Ohio said he had no doubts when he heard his 3-year-old son’s Minion toy talk Monday.

“I heard what it said and I’m like, ‘whoa, hang on here,'” King told WTTE-TV. “It clearly says what it says.”

McDonald’s said the toys speak in “Minionese,” a nonsense language that doesn’t include any English words. The company said any perceived words or phrases spouted by the toy are coincidental.


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