George Takei Has Phasers Aimed at Kim Davis on Facebook

Kim Davis
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HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA – September 9,2015 (Gephardt Daily) — Actor, LGBT activist, and internet celebrity George Takei blasted Rowan County clerk Kim Davis on Facebook, calling the entire event “a circus.”

The Star Trek actor wrote on his Facebook page:

“Well this is a bit of a circus. So let us be clear: This woman is no hero to be celebrated. She broke her oath to uphold the Constitution and defied a court order so she could deny government services to couples who are legally entitled to be married. She is entitled to hold her religious beliefs, but not to impose those beliefs on others. If she had denied marriage certificates to an interracial couple, would people cheer her? Would presidential candidates flock to her side? In our society, we obey civil laws, not religious ones. To suggest otherwise is, simply put, entirely un-American.”

The Rowan County clerk was set free from the jailhouse where she was held for five days for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

“I just want to give God the glory,” she said Tuesday, after a federal judge ordered her to be released. “Keep on pressing, don’t let down because He is here.”

Davis is now a champion in the eyes of her followers. So much so that two Republican presidential contenders, Mike Huckabee and Sen. Ted Cruz stood by her side as she was released from jail.

“Davis a representative from God sent to lead the charge against “judicial tyranny,” Huckabee said. “God showed up,” continued the candidate, “He showed up in the form of an elected Democrat named Kim Davis.”

Davis was sent to jail Thursday after she refused to comply with a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. The following day, her co-workers started to issue licenses.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning added a condition to her release by ordering Davis not to interfere with the issuing of marriage licenses by her office.


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