11 Things You Don’t Realize You Miss About Land Lines

Land Lines - Gephardt Daily

11 Things You Don’t Realize You Miss About Landlines


Photo credit: Andersen Ross/Getty

Oh, the satisfying feeling of slamming down the receiver on your boyfriend!

Cellphones are awesome. We get it. But, are we missing out on some key factors from back in the day when we had to stay home to use our phones? If you remember land lines, chances are you’ll remember some of their benefits:

  • Actually hearing the other person

Did anyone even say “Can you hear me now?” before the invention of cellphones?

No signal

  • You’ll never leave your home phone in the bar.

… or have someone steal it

I will mess you up

  • Your land line doesn’t overheat

After a long conversation, cell phones feel like they’re microwaving your brain. Land lines just give you a little bit of ear sweat.

Cellphone microwave monster

  • You can’t drain the battery by taking selfies or by playing Candy Crush

Always remember to shut down your camera, guys. Always.

Amy Schumer

  • When you drop it, it won’t cost you $600 to replace

And you know you’re going to drop it. This phone from VTech only costs $23 and it probably won’t even break if you drop it.

Phone spinning

  • There aren’t constantly new updates to install

Which means less storage space.

Changing iphone

  • It was so much more satisfying to hang up on someone

Roger Sterling

  • There’s no more cord to twirl around your finger while talking to boys


  • You couldn’t get distracted in the midst of something else.

Mama June

  • Never running out of battery

Okay, that still happened. But, you usually had a back up receiver you could switch to mid-convo.

Dave Grohl

GIF credits: Giphy.com


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