Coincidence, or Should We Be Worried?


Coincidence, or Should We Be Worried?

There have been some very weird things going on for the last few days. And people are beginning to notice.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I might be thinking it’s time to take that long vacation to the mountains and begin survival training.


According to ‘Gawker‘ there are some coincidences that maybe we should’t ignore.

ITEM: The New York City subway system suffered an atrocious commute today, with some trains being inexplicably stranded in stations for long periods of time.

ITEM: The website “The Dissolve” folded today.

ITEM: United Airlines was forced to ground all of its flights after its computer system mysteriously stopped working.

ITEM: The New York Stock Exchange suspended trading today after its computerized trading system mysteriously stopped working.

ITEM: Immediately after, the Wall Street Journal’s website mysteriously stopped working.

ITEM: More than 2,500 people in Washington, DC mysteriously lost power.

Is someone “testing” these grids? We’ll have to see what officials say. But it might be a good idea to keep a suitcase packed… just in case.

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