Yellow Pages And Red Flags

Yellow Pages And Red Flags
Yellow Pages And Red Flags

Yellow Pages And Red Flags


Dr. Gary Rosquist of Rosquist Chiropractic and Acupuncture received a fax telling him that he owed quite a chunk of money for his ad in the Yellow Pages, and he had to pay up right away.  And only one of the flaws with this claim is that Rosquist has not had an advertisement in the Yellow Pages for approximately 10 years.

Because Rosquist had dealt with the Yellow Pages in the past, he was able to immediately spot a number of things that pointed to the clear conclusion that this was not a legitimate bill. “The collection agency is in Bulgaria, which is a bit of a red flag,” said Rosquist, who attempted to call the company at the number listed on the fax only to find that there was no answer on the other end.

That’s when he contacted Gephardt Daily. This is an age-old scam that relies heavily on scare tactics, including stating that if the bill is not immediately paid, it will negatively effect your credit score. Unfortunately, the scam is made a great dealer easier by the fact that the image of the walking fingers so commonly associated with the Yellow Pages was never copyrighted, so anyone can use it.

Gephardt Daily contacted the phone company, who confirmed that get reports of these scams a couple of times per year, but there’s nothing they can do about it. “I forwarded this  fax to Gephardt Daily because I want to have as many people out there aware of this as possible so they aren’t  scammed by these con artists that are sending out these faxes,” Rosquist explained.

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