Indiana HIV Outbreak Tops 130 Cases

HIV Outbreak
Indiana HIV Outbreak Tops 130 Cases


Indiana HIV Outbreak Tops 130 Cases


So far 5,322 clean syringes have been distributed to 86 people and 1,400 used syringes have been collected in a new needle-exchange program in Indiana. Photo by angelo gilardelli/Shutterstock.
So far 5,322 clean syringes have been distributed to 86 people and 1,400 used syringes have been collected in a new needle-exchange program in Indiana. Photo by angelo gilardelli/Shutterstock.


SCOTTSBURG, IND., April 17 (UPI) — The number of HIV cases in Indiana increased this week by 24, bringing the outbreak total up to 130, state health officials said Friday.

As of Thursday, the state has 130 positive HIV tests, — 120 confirmed and 10 preliminary cases — in southeastern, rural Indiana, the Indiana State Department of Health said.

State health officials said the influx can be attributed to better testing resources implemented within the state in response to the outbreak, centered mostly in Scott County.

The situation report comes about two weeks after Indiana Gov. Mike Pencesigned legislation temporarily allowing a new needle-exchange program in the state.

So far 5,322 clean syringes have been distributed to 86 people and 1,400 used syringes have been collected. The program is set to expire April 25.


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