Grantsville man who shot 5 family members, killing 4, sentenced to 100 years in prison

Haynie family members, with father at left, and fatally shot mother and children in the center and right. Photo: Obituary

GRANTSVILLE, Utah, July 12, 2023 (Gephardt Daily) — A Grantsville man who pleaded guilty last year to fatally shooting his mother and three younger siblings, and to the attempted murder of his father, on Wednesday learned his prison sentence.

Third District Judge Teresa Welch sentenced 20-year-old Colin “C.J.” Haynie to 25 years for each murder, to run consecutively. His 25-year sentence for the attempted murder of his father, Colin Haynie, will run concurrently with the other terms.

Together, the consecutive terms add up to 100 years.

The elder Colin Haynie was shot in the leg by his namesake, but managed to wrestle away the gun from “C.J.,” who was 16 at the time of the shootings, on Jan. 17, 2020.

Those who Haynie admitted to killing were his 52-year-old mother, Consuelo, and his siblings: sister Alexis, 15; brother Matthew, 14; and sister Milan, 12.

In July of 2022, Haynie accepted a plea deal, which resulted in five additional charges against him being dismissed.

To view Gephardt Daily’s earlier articles on the case, click here.

Four people later identified as Haynie family members were dead of gunshot wounds inside a Grantsville home Friday night Jan 17 2020 and one other family member was alive but wounded Photo Gephardt DailyMonico GarzaSLCScanner


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