Hiker rescued near Kanarraville Falls, Iron County

Photo: Iron County Sheriff's Office

IRON COUNTY, Utah, May 13, 2018 (Gephardt Daily) — Rescue crews responded Saturday when a hiker injured her leg while hiking in the Kanarraville Falls trail area, east of the city of Kanarraville.

Officials were called in at about 4 p.m. Saturday on reports that the 64-year-old woman injured her leg, possibly breaking it, according to information from the Iron County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies responded with members of Iron County Search and Rescue, Iron County Technical Rescue Team, and Gold Cross Ambulance.

The female hiker was located approximately 2.5 miles up the trail. The responding units were able to bring the hiker out of the canyon so she could be treated for her injuries.

The injured hiker was from the San Francisco Bay Area in California.


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