Home Invader Shot and Killed by Homeowner in Pleasant Grove

Killed by Homeowner in Pleasant Grove


Home Invader Shot and Killed by Homeowner in Pleasant Grove


Photo Courtesy of Google Maps
Photo Courtesy of Google Maps


PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH – MAY 4, 2015 (GEPHARDT DAILY) – A man was shot and killed after attempting to open a door at a residence located in the area of 1700 W. 60 South in Pleasant Grove.

Preliminary information from the investigation indicates that Christian Chichi, 24, began pounding on the front door of a residence and awoke the homeowners. They did not answer the door and after his attempts at the front door failed Chichia gained access to a second story balcony and attempted to open a door into the residence.

The home owner had already armed himself when he went to the balcony door. He unlocked the door in an attempt to make verbal contact with the individual but once the door was unlocked Chichia attempted to force his way into the residence.

It was at this time he was shot by the home owner. Chichia was transported to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center where life saving measures were taken, but Chichia ultimately died as a result of his wounds.

This incident is still currently under investigation but according to Pleasant Grove Police it is being considered that Chichia might have been intoxicated and thought he was trying to get into the residence he shared with several roommates at the same complex.

Chichia has an adult criminal history, all of the offenses, which were mostly alcohol-related, were non-violent.

There have not been any charges filed against the homeowner.


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