Little Twist Fire at 10% contained

Little Twist Fire photo from Utah Fire Info

BEAVER COUNTY, Utah, June 19, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — After days at zero percent contained, the Little Twist Fire now stands at 10% contained, “Thanks to the hard work and efforts of fire crews,” says a news release from the Central Utah Fire Interagency.

“Aerial resources continue to be utilized to minimize fire spread in remote and inaccessible areas. All available strategies and tactics are being implemented as we move forward toward containment of the fire while prioritizing safety and efficiency.”

Workers assigned to the wildfire, which now stands at 2,305 acres. Much of the area is steep, with rugged terrain, the news release says.

Fire behavior was expected to be active on Wednesday due to warmer temperatures, decreased relative humidity and gusty winds predicted for today and tonight.

Personnel assigned to the Little Twist fire number 243.

Little Twist Fire photo from Utah Fire Info


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