LOGAN, Utah, Nov. 30, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) — Logan City police have identified a man found dead after a motorcycle crash sometime in the early hours of Tuesday.
The victim was Darwin Jay Bundy, of Wellsville.
“This morning at approximately 9 a.m., Logan City Police officers were advised of a crashed motorcycle and rider near 200 South and 1750 West in Logan,” the LCPD statement says.
“Sometime during the early morning ours, a motorcycle driven by 52-year-old Darwin Jay Bundy of Wellsville was eastbound on 200 South when it failed to negotiate a curve in the road and crashed, resulting in fatal injuries to Mr. Bundy.
“A Utah State Medical Examiner was notified and will assist in the ongoing investigation.”
Gephardt Daily will have any additional information that is released.