Man ejected, killed in Washington County rollover

Photo: Gephardt Daily/Monico Garza/SLCScanner

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Utah, April 21, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — A man died just before midnight Saturday when his pickup truck rolled on State Route 18, ejecting him.

The incident happened near Enterprise, in Washington County. The man was driving north, near SR-18 mile marker 40.5.

“The vehicle drifted off to the right shoulder,” Cpl. Quincey Breur, Utah Highway Patrol, told Gephardt Daily.

“The driver corrected to the left, and overcorrected, and they crossed the southbound lane into the shoulder on the southbound side. The vehicle rolled and the driver was ejected and sustained fatal injuries.”

Breur said he did not know if the man, alone in the pickup, had been wearing a seatbelt.

Gephardt Daily will have additional information as details are released.


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