Sandy police seek witnesses after bullet pierces car door, grazes woman inside vehicle

File photo: Gephardt Daily/Monico Garza/SLCScanner

SANDY, Utah, Aug. 13, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) — Sandy police are investigating a shooting Friday night in which a woman was struck by a bullet while she was in her vehicle in the area of 300 East and 8600 South.

The incident happened shortly after 7:30p.m.

Sgt. Clayton Swenson, with the Sandy Police Department, told Gephardt Daily it isn’t known if the woman was the intended target or if she “was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was struck by a stray bullet.”

“It went through the car door and grazed her leg,” Swenson said. The unnamed woman was not transported to a hospital.

Detectives are in the process of interviewing possible witnesses.

Anyone who has any information that could help with the investigation is asked to call Sandy Police dispatch at 801-799-3000.


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