What is Secret SLC?

Secret SLC

What is Secret SLC?

Photo Courtesy: SecretSLC.com

SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – June 19, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – There’s a new way to socialize in Salt Lake City, but shhhhhhhhh, it’s secret!

Secret SLC holds events every few months, and the project’s aim is to bring leaders together. “It allows a space for individuals and groups from various industries to ideate, collaborate and partner for the greater good of our city,” the website says. “Powerful relationships have an infinite capacity to cause change. Secret SLC is the stage, the space and the experience for those relationships to build.

“Salt Lake City is a hub for passionate people depending on the success of the community to make dreams and careers happen. Secret SLC is an event that holds the potential to stimulate positive growth with the support of local, driven and willing citizens who are anxious to improve our city.”

We spoke to founder Baya Voce, a former “Real World” cast member and now a dating and lifestyle advisor about the project. “The idea was born out of the need I saw for leaders in different industries to have a space to get together to connect and build relationships,” she said. “This is why Salt Lake is so amazing. The idea was my brainchild, but there is no chance it would be in existence if the other companies I asked to be involved weren’t interested when I pitched it to them. At the beginning I was basically a stranger approaching companies I looked up to saying ‘Hey, I have this invite-only secret thing I want to do. Want to be a part of it?’ It wasn’t until the initial group of co-hosts got together that we fleshed out what in the world this was.
Voce said the purpose of the meetings is to build powerful relationships. “What I know through owning relationship companies and studying leaders and influencers is that if you want to make a big impact in this world, you absolutely must have powerful relationships,” she said. “SecretSLC is the stage, the space, and the experience for those relationships to be built.”

She explained the
events are always curated for a specific group people. “For instance, our last event was made for creatives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners,” she said. “At this point the secret gets spilled during the event and anyone can talk about what happened after we announce the secret. Who knows, that might change since we’re still developing who we are as a brand. We’ve only had four events and they’ve ranged from the mayor speaking to burlesque dancing to the Utah Opera performing to live llama petting… “She said the way you can score an invitation to an event is to be a doer. “They are the people living their missions and that is really important to us,” she said. But some elements of Secret SLC will remain confidential. “There are a few things we’ll always keep secret,” Voce said. “You’ll never be privy to the ‘secret’ during the event unless you’re involved as a co-host, you’ll never know who else is invited, and you’ll never know how big or small the event is; we’ve had as few as 25 people and as big as 300.
 “To be honest, everything has happened so organically thus far that it only seems right to let the growth be organic, too. We definitely have some strategy behind us, but we’re basing what we do next off of the feedback from the people who attend.”
To learn more about Secret SLC  or to apply to be invited, go to SecretSLC.com.



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