St. George police warn of ‘crime groups’ traveling through area

Video Still: St. George Police Department

ST. GEORGE, Utah, March 1, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Citing an increase in supermarket purse pilfering, including squads of semi-professionals passing through, police have posted a cautionary video.

“We’ve had an uptick in thefts that stem from crime groups that travel through our area,” the St. George Police said Thursday online.

“These crews use a variety of techniques including distraction and sleight of hand. Our intel indicates that these cases are not merely one-offs, but are part of a larger organization.”

The department asks that you::

— Be aware of your surroundings.

— Don’t leave purses unattended in a shopping cart, especially opened.

— But more realistically, don’t leave it in the cart at all.

The statement includes a 2-1/2 minute video. In the video the man in the white hat in the center aisle brazenly and repeatedly dips into the purse, open in a cart, while the shopper’s back is turned. A co-culprit talks to the shopper as a distraction.

“Also, notice how there are other citizens who walk right by and don’t notice what’s going on. This stands as an example of the importance of people to look out for each other.”
Video courtesy St. George Police Department


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