Trump rescheduled for Utah fundraising visit

Donald Trump during a March, 2016 campaign appearance in Salt Lake City, Utah. Photo: Gephardt Daily/Patrick Benedict

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah Sept. 6, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Donald J. Trump is scheduled for a stop Sept. 14 in Utah.

A campaign flyer says a reception is set for that night in Salt Lake City. The flyer does not mention an exact location or time. Additional details available upon RSVP, it reads; space is limited.

Many of us won’t be going. Admission begins at $3,300, or raising $10,000, which accesses the reception.

A $10,000 donation or raising $25,000 earns a “VIP Attendee” designation for the reception. Donating $35,000 or raising $70,000 earns the reception and a photo opportunity with the nominee himself.

A $150,000 donation awards the donor the reception, photo op, and joining a “roundtable” opportunity. A $500,000 donation earns the same with the addition of a “Host Committee” title.

The rescheduled visit comes on the heels of a previously planned fundraising swing that was canceled a couple of weeks ago.

For details, visit for an email link to RSVP.

Or Google t47EVENTS (lowercase the t to avoid confusion with a T47 affidavit which has to do with transactions related to disability or real estate) for “Trump 47 Committee” which apparently shares online access with


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