Utah gang leader captured by U.S. Marshals task force

File Photo: Weber County Jail

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, May 23, 2019 (Gephardt Daily) — The fugitive leader of a popular Utah gang has been arrested outside Chicago.

Jim Paul Deli, a.k.a. JP Delli was taken into custody May 21 after fleeing an attempted traffic stop by Deputy US Marshals from the Great Lakes Regional Task Force.

According to investigators, Delli was a passenger in the vehicle which led members of the Violent Fugitive Apprehension Team (VFAST) on a brief chase before running from the car. He was soon captured and then taken to the Kane County Adult Justice Center for processing.

Delli was wanted out of 3rd District Court and sought by the Unified Police Department on 13 criminal charges, including possession of a firearm by a restricted person, possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute and multiple counts of endangering the life of a child.

The charges against Delli stem from a January 18, 2017 arrest when Unified PD officers executed a search warrant at his home on North Los Angles Street in Salt Lake County. Charges were filed in 3rd District Court in Salt Lake on September 25, 2018, and Delli has been on the run ever since.

UPD requested help from United States Marshals (VFAST) strike force after learning he had fled the state.

Delli is currently awaiting extradition back to Utah.


  1. This story left out a lot of facts about Mr. Delli’s case.

    1. The warrant back in 2017 was for someone else that was in his home.
    2. The State pushed case to Federal Courts
    3. Mr. Delli was indicted by the Federal courts but the charges were ultimately dropped due to the details in the case.
    4. The state then picked the charges back up. Mr Delli was unaware of the States charges and warrant.

    I know Mr. Delli personally. He has a not so wholesome past. However, I would testify that this man is not the monster he is being made out to be. He is a great father, son, brother and friend to so many people is Salt Lake City.

    Get all the facts right Gephardt Daily. Please tell the whole story.

    Thank you

  2. I been knowing him since the 90s and all
    I can say is he is a good dude and this is
    A lot of bull shit the white media wants
    To make him something he is not get it right gept
    hart .


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