UTAH, March 30, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — Utah State Tax Commissioners approved adjustments to tax filing and payment deadlines for individuals and business which extends the filing deadline to July 15.
The Commission unanimously passed an emergency rule waiving interest and penalties for late filed 2019 tax returns and payments of Corporations and Pass through entities such as LLCs, said a news release on Utah.coronavirus.gov. To receive this adjustment, these returns and payments have to be filed no later than July 15.
The Commission also confirmed that by Utah statute, individuals will have the same time to file and pay their 2019 taxes as provided by the IRS, which is also July 15.
For more information, visit the Utah State Tax Commission website.
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced March 20 the deadline to file federal taxes has been moved from April 15 to that same date in July, to give taxpayers more time to submit their financial documents. Mnuchin said President Donald Trump ordered the change.
“All taxpayers and businesses will have this additional time to file and make payments without interest or penalties,” he said. “I encourage all taxpayers who may have tax refunds to file now to get your money.”