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New Year, New You

New Year's Top Ten Resolutions

New Year, New You




According to a study conducted by the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, at least 40% of adults make one or more resolutions each year, and at least two-thirds of them vow to change something unhealthy about themselves.  Most resolutions concern weight gain, fitness and smoking.

In an effort to help women and men in their quest for better living, we look at the top  resolutions. The first five will come today and the second five tomorrow.

  1. Get More Sleep

What can help you feel more energized during the day, improve your mood and even help you lose weight? Sleep! “It’s a well-kept secret to good health,” says Donald Novey, MD, a physician who practices integrative medicine at North Kitsap Family Practice in Poulsbo, Washington. “The body repairs and regenerates during sleep. Even calcium is added to bones while you slumber. Getting adequate sleep is the best way to help your mind and body function at its best. Just as a cut may heal while we sleep, so can our mind.”

So how much sleep do you really need? “Optimum sleep time varies from person to person, from 4 to 11 hours a day,” says Dr. Novey. “The easiest way to find your optimum sleep time is to sleep until you wake up without an alarm clock or other interruption. Do this two or three days in a row, and you’ll have your ideal amount of sleep.” And while getting to bed earlier is easier said than done, avoiding food two hours before bedtime can ensure that your digestive system doesn’t keep you awake, and eliminating all light in your bedroom (yes, even a night light) can promote sounder, more sustained zzz’s.

  1. Eat a Veggie or Fruit with Every Meal


[/one_fourth]According to research, Americans eat far fewer vegetables and fruits than they need, and given the evidence linking veggie and fruit consumption to disease prevention, this is a smart resolution anyone can make and reap the rewards from. “Look at your meal,” says Keri Gans, RD, a New York City–based registered dietician and the author of the forthcoming book The Small Change Diet: 10 Steps to a Thinner, Healthier You. “If veggies and fruit are not part of it, add them. It really is much easier than you think, and so important for your health.” To squeeze in more healthy additions, “slice a banana into your morning cereal or yogurt, have an apple as dessert with your lunch, and start every dinner meal with a salad,” she suggests. “The more veggies and fruit you consume, the higher your intake of fiber, which helps fill you up, making you less likely to eat foods that are less healthy. Plus, fruits and veggies are packed with vitamins and antioxidants, which your body needs for a strong immune system.”

  1. Find a Form of Exercise That You Love

Don’t care for jogging or aerobics? That doesn’t mean you should give up on exercise! What works for one woman doesn’t always work for everyone else, and it can take some trial and error to find a form of exercise that is enjoyable for you. “Even if you hate doing something, you might be able to force yourself to do it for a while,” says Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, a psychologist, physical therapist and the author of A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness. “But it will be an extreme challenge to continue. Find a form of exercise or a venue that you enjoy so you will be more consistent. I had a client who swore she hated all forms of exercise. Then she tried a rebounder—a small trampoline. She told me ‘I could bound on that for hours, it’s so much fun.’” To fall in love with exercise again, make a list of five new forms of physical activity that you haven’t tried—whether it’s yoga, spinning or lap-swimming, and give each a try for two weeks. Then, pick the one that gives you the most joy, or mix up your top two!

  1. Make More Social Dates with Friends

What? A resolution to party? It’s true—an active social life can have major payoffs when it comes to your health. “Research shows that a healthy social life can help you stick to your healthy habits, fight disease and depression, reduce stress, enhance your sense of purpose in life, promote greater happiness and even live longer,” notes Dr. Lombardo. How to be better social butterfly? Say “yes” more! Sure, balance is key—so keep time for yourself, too—but one social event per week (book club, dinner with the girls, a jogging date with your best friend) may go a long way in keeping you healthier—and happier—this year.

  1. Extract Yourself from a Toxic Relationship

Whether it’s from a romance gone bad or a friendship that leaves you feeling depleted and unhappy, 2015 is the year to set yourself free! “Habit, guilt, fear of the unknown, fear of failure, low self-esteem, anxiety about being alone—there are so many reasons why we stay in toxic relationships that we know, deep down, we need to get out of now,” says Dr. Lombardo. To rid yourself of a toxic person, be assertive. “Believe in yourself and your reasons for wanting to stop this relationship. Do not let your fears control you; you can overcome your fears. Then establish the limits that are best for you, communicate them to the other person and then stick to them. If you know you need to stop all contact with that person, tell the person and then block his or her number on your cell phone and remove him or her from your Facebook account.”




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