2 charged after 11 people injured in shooting near La. college

File photo: Pixabay/Ashby C. Sorensen
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Oct. 22 (UPI) — Two suspects have been charged in a shooting incident in which at least 11 people were injured during homecoming activities near Southern University in Baton Rouge, La., police said.

Baton Rouge police officials told reporters said that Daryl Stansberry, 28, and Miles Moss, 24, are charged with 11 counts of accessory after the fact to attempted first-degree murder and illegal use of a weapon in connection with the incident late Friday.

The suspected actual shooter, however, remained at large.

The gunfire broke out at the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity house near the front gate of university. Deputy Chief Myron Daniels said the shooting appeared to have resulted from something that happened at a party and not as a result of an ongoing feud, The (Baton Rouge) Advocate reported.

One witness said that the crowd quickly dispersed when the shots were fired.

“It was him and, like, four other people, and it was real loud, and they were just yelling: ‘Dude, you OK? I’m bleeding! I’m bleeding!'” agricultural student Christian Jacobs told the newspaper.

Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome used the shootings to call on the community to address gun violence, including underlying causes.

“We will not allow this act of violence to go unchecked. We will bring the person or persons responsible to justice,” she said in an issued statement, adding, “This incident speaks to a much larger issue of a rise in gun violence across this country.

“Frankly, I have had enough of senseless violence victimizing our people. We need to continue to engage leaders and communities at all levels, local, state and federal, to address underlying causes of violence and easy access to firearms. Our people deserve peace and we will not stop working to that end,” Broome said.


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