KATHMANDU, Nepal, Sept. 7 (UPI) — Dahlia Yehia, an American woman who went to help in Nepal after this year’s devastating earthquake, was beaten to death by a teacher last month.
Yehia, 25, traveled to Pokhara after arriving to Nepal on July 20. She was allegedly beaten to death by a teacher named Narayan Paudel, who confessed, according to Kaski District Police superintendent Hari Bahadur Pal.
Police said Paudel beat Yehia to death, put her body in a sack and dumped it in a river. He confessed last week to killing her on Aug. 4. Yehia’s body has not been recovered.
“Paudel was found calling her to Nepal on the pretext of helping quake victims. He has admitted to have killed her and dumped her body in the Seti river,” Deputy Superintendent of Police Govinda Adhikari said, according to The Kathmandu Post.
Paudel attempted to kill himself by jumping off the roof of a police building and was being treated at a local hospital. Police found a bloody pillow and Yehia’s clothes at Paudel’s home.
Yehia’s friends and family contacted the U.S. Embassy in Nepal when they became concerned about her whereabouts, which led local authorities to launch an investigation.