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Home US/World News BREAKING NEWS: Listen Live: Baltimore Police, Rioters Clash; Injuries Reported

BREAKING NEWS: Listen Live: Baltimore Police, Rioters Clash; Injuries Reported

baltimore riots
Baltimore Wakes to a City in Tatters After Night of Riots, Fires

BREAKING NEWS: Listen Live: Baltimore Police, Rioters Clash; Injuries Reported















Courtesy: Broadcastify.com

BALTIMORE, April 27 (UPI) — Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan put the state’s National Guard on alert Monday in response to violent clashes between police and rioters in Baltimore.

Demonstrations in the city turned violent after the funeral of Freddie Gray as protesters appeared to hurl items at police and authorities used pepper spray to try to disperse the crowd.

Hogan said the “looting and acts of violence in Baltimore will not be tolerated.

“In response, I have put the Maryland National Guard on alert so they can be in position to deploy rapidly as needed. I strongly condemn the actions of the offenders who are engaged in direct attacks against innocent civilians, businesses and law enforcement officers There is a significant difference between protesting and violence and those committing these acts will be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law,” he said in a statement.

“My thoughts and prayers go out to the men and women in uniform who are actively working to stem this violence and several who been injured in the line of duty. These malicious attacks against law enforcement and local communities only betray the cause of peaceful citizens seeking answers and justice following the death of Freddie Gray.”

The Baltimore Police Department said “several” officers were injured during clashes with a group of juveniles near Mondawmin Mall.

Capt. Eric Kowalczyk told reporters seven officers were injured by “lawless individuals.”

“They have broken bones, one of them is unresponsive,” he said. “This is not OK.”

CNN reported one of its photographers was also injured and transported to a hospital.

“We will find the people responsible and we will put them in jail,” he said.

The group of protesters hurled stones, bricks, bottles and other items at officers, WBAL-TV in Baltimore reported. Police used pepper spray and mace to try to disperse the crowd.

Groups of people broke into into businesses, including pharmacies, a cash advance store, a liquor store and a mobile phone store. One of the first stores looted, a CVS pharmacy, was set on fire around 6:30 p.m.

Another group damaged and set fire to a police vehicle. Police said some people were setting small fires throughout the area.

The mall became the epicenter of clashes Monday after a flier circulated at a nearby high school saying a “purge” would take place there starting at 3 p.m. The flier referenced the movie The Purge in which all crime is legal one day a year.

Kowalczyk declined to link Monday’s protests to the ongoing protests over the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray.

The flier announcing Monday’s demonstration at the mall included an image of protesters smashing the windshield of a police car during a protest Saturday over the death of Gray.

The mall and its Metro stop closed down at 1 p.m. along with other nearby businesses. The University of Maryland Baltimore announced its closure at 2 p.m.

“Due to reports from the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) concerning scheduled activities today beginning at 3 p.m., UMB will close today at 2 p.m. at the recommendation of the BPD. These activities may be potentially violent and UMB could be in the path of any violence. The safety of our students and employees is of paramount importance please vacate the campus as soon as possible,” the school’s website said.

Kowalczyk said the violence is spread out over a large area of the city and it is difficult to determine how many people are involved.

“Our officers are working as quickly and appropriately as they can to bring about order in the area of Mondawmin and arrest the criminals who violently and without provocation attacked our police officers,” he said.

Meanwhile newly sworn-in Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with U.S. President Barack Obama to discuss the unfolding riots, an administration source told CNN.

Gray was arrested April 12 for reasons not yet identified, was hospitalized after being taken to a police station and died a week later of a broken spine. Police have acknowledged Gray should have been secured with a seat belt in the vehicle taking him to the station, but has said little else about the incident. It has provoked daily demonstrations in Baltimore, and six police officers have been suspended, pending an investigation.

Gray’s funeral was held earlier Monday.

The Rev. Jamal Bryant, the pastor at Empowerment Temple who gave the eulogy at Gray’s funeral, called on an end to the violence, saying it was disrespectful to Gray’s family.

“This is not what the family asked for today of all days,” he said. “The family was very clear that this was a day of sacred closure.

Bryant said religious leaders in the city planned to create human walls throughout Baltimore to put an end to the violence.

“This is a peaceful movement and we plan on maintaining that order,” he said. “Violence is not the answer for justice.”

Just before 6:30 p.m. local time, the Baltimore Orioles announced on Twitter Monday night’s game was postponed due to the violence.

“An announcement regarding a make-up date will be made asap. Fans are encouraged to keep their tickets & parking until more info is available,” the team said.



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