Bangladesh Storm Kills at Least 30


Bangladesh Storm Kills at Least 30

BangladeshDHAKA, Bangladesh, April 6 (UPI) — At least 30 people were killed as a weekend storm passed through northwestern Bangladesh and its capital, Dhaka.



Most of the victims died when their houses collapsed in the storm Saturday night, and some were electrocuted by falling wires. Two of the victims in Dhaka were a woman and her 6-month-old baby, who died when a wall of their house collapsed, fire service personnel reported. Another person drowned in the Jamuna River, in northern Bangladesh, as his boat capsized.

The level of destruction, as the storm moved, was described as high.

In hard-hit Bogra district, north of Dhaka, over 100 people were injured and hospitalized. Deputy Commissioner Shafiqur Rahman said.

The storm was part of a pre-monsoon season weather pattern that develops in the Bay of Bengal and moves northwesterly across India and Bangladesh.

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