Dec. 20 (UPI) — Forty-two percent of Americans said online profiles and other forms should offer non-binary gender options, a Pew Research Center poll indicates.
A majority, 56 percent, says forms should offer female and male as the only two options.
Pew, which conducted the survey in fall 2018, released the results Wednesday. The pollster noted a partisan divide in the responses.
Among Republicans and those who lean Republican, 79 percent said there should be two gender options, while 21 percent said there should be more. Thirty-nine percent of Democrats and those who lean Democrat favor two options and 60 percent favor more.
All age groups except one said forms shouldn’t include more than two genders. Fifty-three percent of people aged 18 to 29 favor more than two genders compared to 46 percent who don’t.
A majority of all older age groups favor just two genders, 56 percent of people 30-49, 61 percent of people 50-64 and 63 percent of people 65 and older.
The percentage of Americans who think there should be more than two genders on forms is comparable to the percent who think society isn’t accepting enough of people who don’t identify as either a man or a woman. Thirty-two percent think society is too accepting and 25 percent think the level of acceptance is “about right.”
Fifty-five percent of Republicans and people who lean Republican think society is too accepting, while 61 percent of Democrats and people who lean Democratic think society isn’t accepting enough.
Pew surveyed 10,682 people Sept. 24-Oct. 7, 2018, with a margin of error of 1.5 percent.