Putin dismisses Trump impeachment, urges talks for missile treaty

Vladimir Putin, president of Russia. Photo: Kremlin website

Dec. 19 (UPI) — In his annual Christmastime address on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin dismissed the impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump, saying the House’s historic step was predicated on “invented reasons.”

The Russian leader’s remarks came just hours after the Democratic-controlled House’s overwhelming approval for both articles of impeachment, for abuse of power in his dealings with Ukraine and obstructing Congress for his efforts to stymie the subsequent investigation.

Echoing some Republicans, Putin said Democrats used Russia as a scapegoat in a bid to invalidate Trump’s election three years ago, and predicted an acquittal in the Senate trial.

“It needs to go through the Senate, where as far as I know the Republicans have a majority,” Putin said. “It’s hardly like they will want to distance themselves from power on account of — in my view — some absolutely invented reasons.”

“It is simply a continuation of an internal political battle,” he added. “And the party that lost the elections, the Democrat Party, is trying to achieve results with other ways, with other means.

“Bringing accusations against Trump of a conspiracy with Russia, later it becomes clear there was no conspiracy. It cannot lie at the basis of impeachment.”


The abuse of power charge centered on accusations Trump withheld nearly $400 million in military aid for Ukraine, which is battling Russian-backed separatists, to pressure Kiev to publicly announce investigations of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son.

In Thursday’s marathon address, Putin also said he’s ready to begin negotiating with the United States for an extension of the new “START” arms control agreement, which is set to expire in 14 months.

“But thus far, there has been no answer to any of our suggestions,” he said. “And without a new START treaty, there is nothing to curb an arms race. And that, in my opinion, is bad.”

Putin also criticized the World Anti-Doping Agency, which has banned athletes from competing under the Russian flag at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, as well as other international competitions until 2024. WADA imposed ban after determining the Russian Anti-Doping Agency was “non-compliant” with the its global code. Putin called the decision “most likely political in nature.”

“If WADA does not have any claims against our national Olympic Committee, then our team should be allowed to participate under its own flag,” he said, indicating Moscow will appeal the ban.


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