Snapchat Live Streams 27th Night Of Ramadan

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Snapchat Live Streams 27th Night Of Ramadan

MECCA, Saudi Arabia, July 15 (UPI) — Snapchat live streamed worshipers in Mecca Tuesday following a social media push for the app to feature them as a live story.

#Mecca_Live trended on Twitter over the weekend with more than 300,000 users saying they wanted Snapchat to feature the city and its religious proceedings. The campaign was successful and provided a glimpse into the 27th night of Ramadan, the “night of power.”

Images and video were uploaded by users to Snapchat, which later curated the submissions into a live stream. This was the first time the app profiled this event.

Worshipers were seen breaking their fast at the Grand Mosque in Mecca as well as calling to prayer around the Kaaba. Selfie-style videos and wide angle shots of the Mosque’s exterior and interior also populated the live stream, as did panoramic views of the city and even shots of individuals’ haircuts. Volunteers making food for the poor and homeless in the city were also shown.

Al-Jazeera reported that the feed was widely applauded, bringing positive attention to the annual pilgrimage made by Muslims and improving the otherwise negative global narrative that surrounds the religion.

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