Children Remain Potential Victims of Chemical or Biological Terrorism
Children remain potential victims of chemical or biological terrorism according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In recent years, children have even been specific targets of terrorist acts. Consequently, it is necessary to address the needs that children would face after a terrorist incident.
A broad range of public health initiatives have occurred since September 11, 2001. Although the needs of children have been addressed in many of them, in many cases, these initiatives have been inadequate in ensuring the protection of children. The WHO advises parents to coordinate with their personal pediatrician to properly prepare for any kind of attack or natural disaster.
In addition, public health and health care system preparedness for terrorism has been broadened to the so-called all-hazards approach, in which response plans for terrorism are blended with plans for a public health or health care system response to unintentional disasters or natural events such as earthquakes or pandemic flu or manmade catastrophes such as a hazardous-materials spill.
In response to new principles and programs that have appeared over the last five years, this policy statement is an update of the 2000 policy statement. In a written statement the WHO says, “Only a coordinated effort by pediatricians and public health can ensure that the needs of children, including emergency protocols in schools or child care centers, decontamination protocols, and mental health interventions, will be successful.”