ISIS Makes Alleged Threat To Twitter

Twitter Threats - Gephardt Daily
ISIS Makes Alleged Threat To Twitter

ISIS Makes Alleged Threat To Twitter

Twitter Threat - Gephardt Daily
Source CBS

ISIS’ newest target: Twitter employees. The group commonly known as ISIS allegedly posted a photo on Sunday of Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey with crosshairs over his face and a message written in Arabic below the photo. The image was posted to the site

Twitter’s policy states, “You may not publish or post direct, specific threats of violence against others.” The social media site has taken down the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s social media accounts and any that link to beheadings and other brutalities.

In the message below Dorsey’s photo it states, “your virtual war on the Internet will cause a real war on you.”


Later, throughout the post ISIS makes the statement: “Jack, how will you protect your helpless employees when their necks are on the line and they become an official target for soldiers of the succession and their supporters among you?” The image continues to read “What will be your response to their families and sons, and their plight in this failed war?”

USA Today states that other social media sites have been taking down accounts that relate to ISIS since June, but there have yet to be any threats from ISIS to those sites.

According to CNBC, Twitter made a statement saying that “Or security team is investigating the veracity of these threats with relevant law officials.”

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