New Interactive Map Plots Public Opinion on Climate Change

Climate Change
Climate Change a ‘Medical Emergency’ Posing Major Risks: Experts

New Interactive Map Plots Public Opinion on Climate Change

Climate ChangeNEW HAVEN, Conn., April 6 (UPI) — A new interactive map, developed by researchers at Yale and Utah State universities, reveals localized opinions on climate change throughout the United States.

As previous surveys have suggested, the majority of American believe climate change is happening. According to the latest numbers from Yale pollsters, 63 percent of people in the United States think the planet is getting warmer.



But the new data (and subsequent maps) go further, revealing the percentage of people who believe humans are causing global warming (48 percent) and the percentage of people who support renewable energy research funding (77 percent).

The maps also shows public opinion on climate change science at local levels — mapping opinions by congressional districts and counties. The data proves that a majority of people in each state believe in global warming. But several dozen local districts and counties feature more skeptics and deniers than believers. Only 43 percent of residents in Trimble County, Kentucky, believe in global warming.

The most skeptical states are West Virginia and Wyoming, where only 54 and 55 percent of residents, respectively, believe in global warming.

The new data and related study — published this week in the journal Nature Climate Change — reveal an interesting dichotomy between personal beliefs and opinion on public policies. While just 34 percent of people believe global warming will affect them personally, the vast majority of Americans support renewable energy funding and CO2 regulations.

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