Officials In Florida Not Allowed To Use The Term “Global Warming”

Global Warming Florida Officials

Officials In Florida Not Allowed To Use The Term “Global Warming”

Global_Warming_in_the_Artic_fullOfficials in the Florida Department of Environmental Protection are not allowed to use the terms “global warming” or “climate change,” according to the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.

The policy against mentioning global warming went into effect after Governor Rick Scott (R) took office in 2011 and appointed Herschel Vinyard Jr. as the agency’s director. “We were told that we were not allowed to discuss anything that was not a true fact,” said Kristina Trotta, a former Florida Department of Environmental Protection employee, according to The Huffington Post.

Fred Christian, a Miami Gardens resident, told Gephardt Daily that the issue of alleged climate change has already hit Florida. “South Florida is ‘Waterworld,'” he said. Christian, a disabled man and outspoken political activist who is unable to work or drive due to medical conditions, but is not eligible for insurance under Florida’s current Medicaid laws (Florida is one of a number of states, including Utah, that have chosen not to expand Medicaid) says that Scott is no stranger to denying problems faced in Florida. “He is a great denier and he will not tell me what to say,” said Christian. “He is a Governor, a Dictator.”

Christian added that Governor Scott was a “pure corporatist” who is against the people and simply follows the money. In 2014, The National Climate Assessment declared Miami to be one of the cities in the United States most vulnerable to damage from rising sea levels. A Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact paper has also warned that water in the area could rise by as much as two feet by the year 2060.


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