Emergency Landing for a United Airlines Plane After Passenger Rushes Cockpit

Flight 1074 Passenger Rushes Cockpit
Photo Courtesy of Fox News

Emergency Landing for a United Airlines Plane After Passenger Rushes Cockpit

Photo Courtesy of Fox News
Photo Courtesy of Fox News

A United Airlines flight bound for Denver had to turn around mid-air in order to return to Washington, D.C. because of an unruly passenger who tried to take over the cockpit.

The flight had just taken off 15 minutes prior to the incident.

A United spokesman said that Flight 1074, which was carrying 33 passengers and six crew members, returned to Dulles International Airport “after a passenger failed to comply with crew instructions.”

Recordings of communications between pilots and air traffic controllers on the website LiveATC.net indicate that pilots turned around after a passenger ran toward the cockpit and had to be restrained by other passengers.

Donna Tellam, a passenger on the flight, said that the man made a break for the cockpit, but two men grabbed him and held him down.

The two men quickly subdued the passenger, removing his shoes and checking for weapons. The chaotic scene was over within seconds.

No passengers were injured in the incident and no weapons or explosives were found.

United said the rest of the passengers will be flown to Denver on Tuesday.

The passenger was taken to a hospital for evaluation and has not been charged, airport spokeswoman Kimberly Gibbs said.


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