Lesbian Kiss Ad Of Angela Merkel Lookalike Goes Viral In Germany

Angela Merkel Straight Magazine's Ad Clip
Photo Courtesy: UPI

Lesbian Kiss Ad Of Angela Merkel Lookalike Goes Viral In Germany

Photo Courtesy: UPI
Photo Courtesy: UPI

BERLIN, July 23 (UPI) — A viral ad for a German magazine launched Wednesday features a lookalike of German chancellor Angela Merkel in a seemingly lesbian relationship.

Although Merkel supports equal benefits for gay couples such as tax breaks, she ardently disapproves of same-sex marriages in Germany. She has said that although she seeks to eradicate all forms of discrimination, marriage to her is the union between a man and a woman.

Straight Magazine‘s black and white ad, which has gone viral with more than 1.5 million views on its Twitter and Facebook accounts, shows a lookalike Merkel using her mobile phone at a window while a radio voice reports that over half of the the country’s population supports gay marriage. The actress shakes her head at the notion before a young woman approaches Merkel from behind and kisses her on the neck.

The video was accompanied by the caption, “Everyone in Europe hates Merkel? Yes, apart from this woman…” A spokeswoman for the magazine said that the ad seeks to address the same-sex issue and earn the support of Chancellor Merkel.

Germany remains one of the few western European countries that does not allow same-sex marriage despite majority support from their populations, alongside Italy, Hungary and others. Though the German government conceded small changes in civil union laws in response to Ireland’s and the United State’s approval of gay marriage, Merkel’s administration staunchly declared their opposition to fully embracing the concept.

The government also declined to comment on the commercial, saying they’ve noted its existence but have nothing to add.

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