Quebec Woman Convicted for Instagram Picture of Anti-police Graffiti


Quebec Woman Convicted for Instagram Picture of Anti-police Graffiti

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MONTREAL, April 24 (UPI) — A Quebec woman who posted an Instagram photo of anti-police graffiti along with “threatening” hashtags was convicted of criminal harassment.

Justice Marie-Josee Di Lallo ruled Thursday to convict Jennifer Pawluck, who was arrested in 2013 after she posted an Instagram photo of someone else’s graffiti depicting Montreal Police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere with a bullet hole in his head.

The hashtags Pawluck used for the post included “un flic, une balle” — which translates to “one cop, one bullet” — and “all cops are bastards.”

“To see his image with a bullet hole in his forehead is worrying, even if he is a police officer,” Di Lallo said in her ruling.

Pawluck, who was involved in student protests in 2012, had testified that the post wasmeant as a general criticism of Montreal police and was not intended to be threatening. She said she did not know who Lafreniere was at the time of her Instagram post.

Prosecutor Josie Laplante said after the verdict was read that authorities were more concerned about the hashtags Pawluck included than the image itself.

“I think we all have to pay attention to what we post because [some people] don’t consider the impact it can have on other individuals,” Laplante said.

Pawluck could face up to six months in jail or a $5,000 fine when the sentencing stage of her case begins May 14.


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