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Home Education Senate confirms Betsy DeVos as education secretary

Senate confirms Betsy DeVos as education secretary

Betsy DeVos' nomination as President Donald Trump's education secretary was confirmed on Tuesday after Vice President Mike Pence broke a tie in the Senate following her confirmation vote. Photo by Pete Marovich/UPI

Feb. 7 (UPI) — Vice President Mike Pence broke a Senate tie Tuesday to confirm Betsy DeVos as secretary of education.

Prior to the vote, Senate Democrats held a marathon floor session through the night hoping to foil President Donald Trump‘s nomination to the post. Democrats needed to persuade at least one more Republican to vote against her nomination but were unable to do so.

Republican Sens. Susan Collins, R-Me., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, both voted no. Republicans control the Senate with 52 members, compared to 48 Democrats and Independents.

“I’m opposing the nomination because of the track record, the track record of much of what she has advocated for hasn’t worked, No. 1,” Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said hours prior to the vote on Tuesday. “Ms. DeVos just doesn’t have the qualifications that 50 million plus students in the United States demand.”

Trump on Tuesday voiced his support for DeVos prior to the vote.

“Senate Dems protest to keep the failed status quo. Betsy DeVos is a reformer, and she is going to be a great Education Sec. for our kids!” Trump tweeted.

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions questioned DeVos about her potential conflicts of interest between her government post and private education investments.

In particular, the panel showed concern about her desire to implement a private school voucher program — and whether that might lead to diminished funding for public schools. The Office of Government Ethics has identified more than 100 potential conflicts of interest concerning DeVos’ candidacy.



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