Venezuelan Woman Throws Mango at President, Gains Apartment

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro
Venezuelan Woman Throws Mango at President, Gains Apartment

Venezuelan Woman Throws Mango at President, Gains Apartment

Venezuelan President Nicolas MaduroCARACAS, Venezuela, April 26 (UPI) — Marleny Olivo, 54, threw a mango at Maduro while he was driving a bus in the state of Aragua during a political rally.



The mango displayed Olivo’s name, her phone number and the message “If you can, call me.” She threw the mango to gain Maduro’s attention to ask for help to fulfill her dream of owning a home.

Video of the incident was recorded and went viral online. Olivo received a call from the president’s office. Maduro spoke during one of his live national television broadcasts about Olivo and the mango.

“She had a housing problem, right? And, Marleny, I have approved it already, as part of the Great Housing Mission of Venezuela, you will get an apartment and it will be given to you in the next few hours,” Maduro said. “Tomorrow, no later than the day after tomorrow, we will give it to you.”

Olivo said there was “no evil intent” behind her actions. Maduro said the mango was ripe and he would eat the mango later.


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