SLCo Sheriff’s SAR crew rescues teen hikers blocked by rushing creek

Photo by Salt Lake County Sheriff's Search and Rescue

SALT LAKE COUNTY, Utah, June 10, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Two hikers intending to take Red Pine trail to climb Pfeifferhorn Peak Friday found themselves stuck on the wrong side of the rushing water of Little Cottonwood Creek.

So at 9:40 p.m., with sunlight gone, they called for the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue crew.

“Saturday evening we were called to assist a pair of hikers stuck on the wrong side of Little Cottonwood Creek near Tanners Flat,” a SLCo SAR post says.

“The pair of 18 year old men intended to climb Pfeifferhorn via Red Pine trail earlier in the day. We are unclear about the exact location but we know they encountered some difficulty with the terrain and decided to return via Maybird. A descent of Maybird involves additional challenging terrain and navigational issues including two unpassable obstacles: Red Pine and Little Cottonwood Creek.”

Photo by Salt Lake County Sheriffs Search and Rescue

The SAR crew considered two options — rescue by helicopter or hiking back up the mountain to the trail.

“Both options were ruled out for various reasons. It was determined the best option was to build a rope system, send rescuers across the creek to the patients, then shuttle all back over to the near (road) side.”

The systems were built over the runoff-swollen creek, and it operated as planned, “and soon all were back on the north side of the creek where concerned families, good food and a warm bed were waiting.

“Neither patient or any rescuers got wet crossing the creek. Rescuers were off the mountain and headed home before 2 am.”


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