Prank Video Shows Meter Maid Lifting 1.5-Yon Taxi Cab

Video Shows Meter Maid Lifting 1.5-Yon Taxi
Actress lifts rigged SUV in public while pedestrians watch, amazed. Screenshot by DidThatJustHappen/YouTube


Prank Video Shows Meter Maid Lifting 1.5-Yon Taxi Cab


Actress lifts rigged SUV in public while pedestrians watch, amazed. Screenshot by DidThatJustHappen/YouTube
Actress lifts rigged SUV in public while pedestrians watch, amazed. Screenshot by DidThatJustHappen/YouTube


NEW YORK, June 18 (UPI) — YouTube pranksters rigged a vehicle made to look like a New York City taxi cab so a woman could lift it over her head without much effort.

In a promotional video for an application called Car Lister, two actors portrayed a cab driver parked illegally and a meter maid ready to enforce her authority. Pedestrians reacted with shock and disbelief — one in particular uses his old rotary phone extension to report what he just witnessed to a friend.

After a brief verbal altercation between the two actors, the one dressed as a meter maid effectively lifts the front (and heaviest) end of the yellow SUV with a loud, prolonged scream. Each time, New Yorkers’ jaws dropped with awe; there wasn’t any obvious indication that the vehicle was doctored.

“How ’bout I show you how to move, huh?” she asked the driver in one scene. “It’s the incredible Hulk!” a witness exclaimed. Afterward, the woman doing the heavy lifting allowed onlookers to try for themselves, revealing the illusion.

The video was made in partnership with the makers of the Devil Baby Attack video from early 2014, which was created to promote the film Devil’s Due.


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