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Home Viral Videos Tank Rolls Over During Practice For Russian Competition

Tank Rolls Over During Practice For Russian Competition

MOSCOW, Aug. 6 (UPI) — A crew warming up for a Tank Biathlon in Russia was caught on camera taking too sharp a turn at a high speed and flipping their tank.

The T-72 tank, which was being driven by a team from Kuwait while warming up for the 2015 International Tank Biathlon in Russia, was taking a corner in the style of a drift racer when the 42-ton vehicle went into a three-quarter roll and landed on its side.

Voices can be heard off-screen suggesting the video is destined for YouTube, where it was posted by Matthew Batkovich.

The tank was not damaged by the incident and the crew suffered only minor scrapes and bruises.

Crews from 17 countries are competing in the Tank Biathlon at the Albino firing range near Moscow. The competition involves teams trying to get the best time on a course featuring 15 obstacles.

The rollover occurs about 1:55 into the clip.



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