Alabama Man Offering $10,000 to Find Him a Girlfriend

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Alabama Man Offering $10,000 to Find Him a Girlfriend

Alabama Man Offering $10,000 to Find Him a Girlfriend

Ren Lu You’s website is offering $10,000 to find him a long-term girlfriend. WGN-TV screenshot

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., July 7 (UPI) — An Alabama man is offering $10,000 to anyone who can set him up on a date that leads to a relationship lasting at least six months.

Ren Lu You, 29, of Birmingham, said he created after going on 30 dates during the last 10 months that failed to result in a happy relationship.

You’s website has an entry form for people seeking the $10,000 prize to submit names, biographies and photos of potential girlfriends for You, a Harvard graduate who works as a private equity associate.

He said the person who connects him with a woman who becomes his girlfriend for at least six months will receive the prize.

“It’s pretty simple,” the site says. “I save a ton of time on finding romantic prospects and going on bad dates. You make a bunch of money for something you might have done for a friend, just for fun.”

You admits his scheme is “weird.”

“But look at it this way: if you work 12 hours/day, how would you want to spend the few waking hours you have left? Probably not standing around in a bar with your fingers crossed. This is way more fun for me,” he wrote.

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