Flight Video Catches Cat Stowing Away on Plane Wing

Cat Stowing Away on Plane
Flight Video Catches Cat Stowing Away on Plane Wing

Flight Video Catches Cat Stowing Away on Plane Wing

KOUROU, French Guiana, June 22 (UPI) — A pilot in French Guiana shared video from an ultralight plane flight featuring a feline stowaway crawling out from inside a wing after takeoff.

Romain Jantot, a pilot with a flight club in Kourou, shared a video on YouTube showing him take off with a female passenger and fly for several seconds before the cat pokes her head out from a wing and appears to be mewling for help.

Jantot does a double-take when he spots the cat, and he and his passenger shoot amused glances toward the feline before setting the plane back down on the ground.

“A standard flight until… [I] still don’t know if it got in after the pre-flight check or if I missed it,” Jantot wrote in the video’s description. “The cat is doing well, she is still our mascot.”

Photo Courtesy: UPI
Photo Courtesy: UPI


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