Police at Texas Fest Played Rock-paper-scissors with Underage Drinker

Police at Texas Fest

Police at Texas Fest Played Rock-paper-scissors with Underage Drinker

rock-paper-scissorsSNOOK, Texas, April 15 (UPI) — Constable Dennis Gaas of Burleson County Precinct 2 said the three officers, who work for two different departments, were working security at Chilifest in Snook when they were caught on video allowing a teen girl to play a round of rock-paper-scissors with one of the officers in a bid to avoid a citation.



Video of the game, originally posted to humor website Total Frat Move, shows the girl win the game and celebrate her victory.

Gaas said the officers were informed they would not be asked to work security at future events and they were reported to their respective supervisors. He did not identify the officers or the agencies where they work.

The constable said “officers are given the choice of giving a warning or issuing a citation for any violation they encounter during this event,” but he said “playing a game to see if a citation or warning is given does not fall under professional conduct.”

“I hope that the public will realize that this was a few officers and not all the officers at Chilifest,” Gaas said. “Those who came and performed the job that was requested and required to make this event safe and enjoyable, should be commended for a job well done.”

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