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Home US/World News ‘The Shining’s’ Overlook Hotel Recreated Using Gingerbread

‘The Shining’s’ Overlook Hotel Recreated Using Gingerbread

'The Shining's' Overlook Hotel Recreated
Photos posted to imgur and reddit show a four-foot long model of the Overlook Hotel from Stanley Kubrick and Stephen King's film "The Shining" made entirely out of gingerbread and other edible materials.Photo by agkeeling/imgur

WASHINGTON, Dec. 24 (UPI) — A viral photo shows a gingerbread house designed to resemble the Overlook Hotel from the Stanley Kubrick film The Shining.

The photo posted to imgur and shared on reddit shows off the model, complete with individual rooms and the outdoor hedge maze, made entirely out of gingerbread, icing, fondant, candy and Rice Krispie Treats.

In addition to faithfully constructing the setting of the thriller novel by Stephen King, the family also recreated famous scene’s from the film using gingerbread people. These include the twin girls in the haunted hallway as well as Jack Nicholson’s well-known “Here’s Johnny” scene as he bursts through the bathroom door.

The model is approximately four feet long and every piece of the hotel is edible, including the wallpaper that lines the haunted hallway.



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