Up, Up, And Away!

Eric Roner - Gephardt Daily
Up Up And Away

Up, Up, And Away!

Eric Roner - Gephardt Daily
Source Teton Gravity



The movie “Up” flew away with the hearts of many taking them on a journey where an elderly man ties thousands of balloons to his home in hopes to fly away before being sent to a retirement home.

With the help of a few friends, GoPro cameras, a lawn chair, gun and balloons, a Brigham Young University graduate made his own version of the beloved movie. 

Erik Roner, a Utah native released his video on YouTube in December. However, GoPro recently released a newer and updated version with more details of the stunt to YouTube. GoPro sponsors Roner.

Roner and his team attached 90 weather balloons filled with helium to a lawn-chair. The man then went up 8,000 feet in the chair with a loaded Remington shotgun. At about 3,000 feet the first balloon popped on it’s own and along the way a few more popped.

Once all of the balloons were popped, Roner removed himself from the lawn chair and released his parachute falling back down to earth.

Watch the full video below.

[hdplay id=72 Width=450 Height=350]


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