10 Tipsy, Topsy-turvy Moments From the Globes

Golden Globe Awards - Gephardt Daily

10 Tipsy, Topsy-turvy Moments From the Globes


Helen Mirren holds up her “Je Suis Charlie” sign at the 72nd annual Golden Globe Awards on Jan. 11, 2015.(Photo: Jason Merritt, Getty Images)

The giggles, the tears, the jokes — all were flowing Sunday night, along with the booze, at the 72nd Golden Globes, Hollywood’s annual awards show/party. These were the 10 top must-know moments of the night.

‘Je Suis Charlie’: Stars in solidarity

It was festive evening, but Hollywood was serious about showing support for victims of terrorist attacks in Paris last week. Diane Kruger and Helen Mirren were spotted on the carpet holding “Je Suis Charlie” signs. George Clooney wore a “Je Suis Charlie” button, and his wife, Amal, had a button on her clutch. Kathy Bates held up “Je Suis Charlie” on her phone and waved it in the air.



White-glove treatment

Amal Clooney told E!’s Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet that she was wearing Dior haute couture. But it was her long white gloves that had the fashion world buzzing. “The gloves are my own,” she told Seacrest. Cracked her husband: “She sewed them this morning. She’s very handy.” On Twitter, reaction veered from fashionista approval of the elegant opera-house look to disapproval for the accessories being too prom-like and ill-fitting. The gloves didn’t seem to fit — in more ways than one.


Taking it home

Michael Keaton, who won best comedy actor for 'Birdman,'One early big surprise: Newcomer Gina Rodriguez was named best comedy-series actress for Jane the Virgin. The Latina winner proudly told the crowd: “This award is so much more than myself. It represents a culture that wants to see themselves as heroes.”

Michael Keaton’s Birdman win for actor in a motion picture, comedy or musical took him back to his roots, too. As one of seven kids, “in the household in which I was raised, the themes were pretty simple: Work hard. Don’t quit. Be appreciative, thankful, grateful, respectful. Also to never whine, ever. Never complain. And always, for crying out loud, keep a sense of humor.”

His “best friend” is “kind, intelligent, funny, talented, considerate, thoughtful. … He also happens to be my son, Sean. I love you with all my heart, buddy. This is for all of those people.”

By George, for Amal

As he accepted his Cecil B. DeMille Award, Clooney took a minute to make a public declaration of his love for his wife. “It’s a humbling thing when you find someone to love. Even better if you’ve been waiting your whole life. And when our whole life is 53 years … Amal, whatever alchemy brought us together, I couldn’t be more proud to be your husband.” All together now: Awwww.

Tina and Amy - Gephardt DailyYes, Tina and Amy went there

“Tonight we celebrate the TV shows we know and love, and all the movies North Korea was OK with,” Tina Fey said. “The biggest story in Hollywood was when North Korea threatened an attack if Sony Pictures released The Interview, forcing us all to pretend we wanted to see it,” Amy Poehler cracked. The co-hosts also tackled Bill Cosby. In Into the Woods, Poehler explained “Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with Bill Cosby.”



The sound of ‘Selma’

After being presented with the Globe in the best original song category for Glory from Selma, Common gave a particularly heartfelt speech. “Selma has awakened my humanity. … I am the caring white supporter killed on the front lines of freedom. I am the unarmed black kid who maybe needed a hand but was given a bullet instead. I am the police officer killed in the line of duty. Thank you, (director) Ava (DuVernay), for being our superhero and bringing this movie to life. We look to the future and we want to create a better world. Selma is now.” Backstage, he said, “I’m on a Golden Globes high, a Glory high. … Everybody I see, I’m probably giving a hug to.”

Prince Golden Globes - Gephardt DailyPrince’s sequins light up social media

Prince showed up as a surprise presenter in the best-original-song category, sporting a cane and a glittery outfit. The look lit up social media. On Twitter, some joked about his cane being a selfie stick. And many thought he deserved an award. Maybe one for best sequins, or, as one person wrote, for being cooler than everyone. Tweeted Shonda Rhimes: “I love Prince so much.”

Ricky Gervais is the new John Travolta

The always-irreverent Gervais came on stage, drink in hand, to present the award for best actress in a motion picture, comedy or musical. Nominees included Annie star Quvenzhané Wallis, and he butchered her name even though he claimed to have practiced it. He referenced John Travolta’s mangling of Idina Menzel’s name at the Oscars last year: “I still watch that every day on YouTube. It’s brilliant.”


Kevin Spacey finally (bleeping) wins

Actor Kevin Spacey, best actor for TV drama 'House
It was his first win in eight nominations. Spacey, in accepting the Globe for best performance by an actor in a TV drama series (for House of Cards), said he couldn’t (bleeping) believe he won. Yes, he was censored. He got a little choked up at the end of his speech, saying, “I just want it to be better. I just want to be better, but this is very encouraging.” Backstage, he was sassier, saying, “I’m very pleased that I have not ended up as the Susan Lucci of the Golden Globes.”


We know who should host next year

Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. The Saturday Night Live pals and Skeleton Twins co-stars livened up the show, cracking jokes about classic film lines as they presented for best screenplay. Hader mis-remembered Titanic, and Wiig did an admittedly bad Robert De Niro impersonation from The Godfather: Part II. Twitter immediately lit up, suggesting the Globes give Wiig and Hader a shot as hosts in 2016.


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