Beaver County tot who nearly drowned Tuesday appears to emerge from coma

LifeFlight medical helicopter. File photo: Gephardt Daily/Patrick Benedict

BEAVER COUNTY, Utah, May 24, 2024 (Gephardt Daily) The 3-year-old boy rescued from near drowning Tuesday appeared to awaken from a coma Thursday night.

Friends of Levi Wright’s family were tossing the word “miracle” around after his mother Kallie announced at 10:46 p.m. online that his eyes opened.

“LEVI WOKE UP!,” she said on Facebook. “I am shook, we don’t know much but the doctor said it was okay for me to get excited about that and I AM!

“My baby is so tough! He got a little wild so we had to settle him down again but my heart!”

By 11:30 p.m. the news had been received with 976 comments on her Facebook page.

A brief sampling alluded to exhortations and hallelujahs, pumping heart icons, and praise for the power of prayer that commenters had been calling for over the last two days..

Levi had been playing with his toy tractor when he was swept up in a nearby creek, as the Beaver County Sheriff’s Office reported Tuesday night. “Life-saving measures were administered on scene and the child was then transported by Beaver Ambulance to Beaver Valley Hospital where medical care was rendered until Life Flight arrived and airlifted the child to Primary Children’s Hospital (in Salt Lake City).”

Friends of the family had been sharing an online Facebook vigil of sorts ever since, exchanging updates, photos and hope. Including the dire news the family had entered into “end of care” discussions Wednesday morning on what appeared a hopeless situation with the comatose 3-year-old. But later in the day the doctors changed their prognosis.

Mother Kallie had not commented on her Facebook page until Thursday, noting that an MRI was scheduled for Friday.

At 8:30 a.m. Thursday she posted: “I  want to thank George Humphreys for finding my baby and getting him out of the water, to Nick Schenck and Sheriff (Cody) Black for starting life saving measures.

“To whoever decided to spend close to an hour reviving him and not giving up. I’d hug you if I could. The water was up to my chest and I don’t know if I could have known what to do if I did find him

“All the first responders and neighbors and friends that showed up in a matter of seconds to console me or jump in the water. The 911 operator that spent maybe 30 seconds on the phone with me before taking action, they wasted no time. You’re all mine and Levi’s angels.”

About 8:30 p.m., before the blockbuster announcement to come about two hours later, she said “There isn’t much to say today, Levi’s MRI is tomorrow afternoon and should provide more information.

“The outpouring of love, support, assistance & prayer is incomprehensible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”

A fundraising page was set up Thursday, titled “Levi Wright – Benefit Auction and Updates.” Family friend Mindy Sue Clark, who’s been acting as something of a media spokesperson, said, “For anyone wanting to donate, please message this page.

“Please be patient as we are overwhelmed with the generosity of people wanting to give. We are slowly but surely getting everything posted.”


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