Crews fight fire in 2-story ‘barn-style’ garage-shop in Cache County

File Photo: Gephardt Daily

CACHE COUNTY, Utah, Dec. 2, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — Fire crews were dispatched to a structure fire in Providence late Tuesday, and it’s likely they’ll remain on scene for a few more hours, checking for flare-ups and determining the cause of the fire.

Craig Humphreys, fire marshal and assistant chief with Logan Fire Department, said crews were dispatched at about 10:20 p.m. to a two-story outbuilding at 110 S. Main St.

“It’s a garage-shop, barn-style structure,” Humphreys said. “When we arrived, we could see smoke.”

It turned out that the fire was between the ceiling and the floor above, near the center of the building, and this posed a challenge for the firefighters, he said.

It took about two hours to get the fire extinguished because it was difficult to find the source of it within the ceiling. Crews were still checking for hot spots and fighting occasional flare-ups at 1 a.m.

Despite everything, the building remains in relatively good condition, Humphreys said.

“All four walls are still standing, and the roof is intact,” he told Gephardt Daily.

Humphreys said the investigation is ongoing, and no estimate of damages was available overnight Tuesday.

Gephardt Daily will update this developing story as more information is made available.


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